Monday, September 10, 2007

so fun

So friday night I went with Brent, Andrew, Amber, Jon, Hayley and Lisa to Lauren's sports themed birthday party. We had so much fun playing catch phrase (on the sports category, of course!)

I even won a prize for guessing the the third closest guess to how many basketball shaped chocolates were in the bucket! My prize was a water game where you pump the little rings to get them to all line up on the bowling pin... I think I left it in Brent's car though... Brent won a headband. Actually, I think I won the headband but we traded. Brent's cool like that.

Saturday afternoon, Jon and I had Amber (who had pure, natural, God given talent- she's incredible) do our hair, you can check out Jon's new do here.

Saturday evening I dragged Brent to my office BBQ- he's such a good sport- we had so much fun hanging out with my co-workers eating incredible food... I've decided to teach myself to cook mexican food... i'm sure several blogs will follow detailing my cooking disasters- stay tuned!

Saturday night I went to Jon and Brent's hockey game and managed to SLEEP THROUGH THE WHOLE THING! i know, i know... loud hockey game, freezing cold ice rink, and yes, i still managed to sleep right through it. i missed an almost fight and Brent's assist... i'm lame.

Sunday before church I went running, then on the way to the tent for service, we (Brent and I) ran into most of the remaining pastors in missions as well as their wives and the Elliotts... it was so great to see everyone. After church we (Brent and I- noticing a pattern here?) met my dad for lunch at Disneyland and spent the day running around riding our favorite rides (we rode the train and buzz lightyear TWICE!) Then we met up with Andrew and Amber and rode Indiana Jones where I abandoned my favorite sunglasses by mistake... they're gone forever. (see previous blog)

Such a fun weekend. Pictures to come!


Brent said...

Thanks for the recap. Now if I forget what I did this past weekend, I can just reference your blog.

ambrosia said...

Hey, no problem! That's what I'm here for.

Brent said...

...even if you did fall asleep during my hockey game.

Heather McTaggart said...

Oh Amber, I know that "sports" thing is hard, were they playing the Angels or the Lakers? Ask Brent, he will explain! Sometimes as girlfriends, moms and wives we have to sit through those "sports" things! Here is my and people will keep you awake! When they ask you if you saw that play, move, etc...just nod and smile! IT WORKS TRUST ME! THANKS FOR BLOGGING!