Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Man-tastic man magnet...

A friend of mine has the CUTEST little brother who loves to give high fives and gives you the most gigantic RUNNING HUGS and has the sweetest most infectious smile... yup. That kid is his CHICK. MAGNET. (Hi Jon)
Well, I've discovered the female equivalent of a guy having an adorable younger sibling/small puppy/tray of delicious cupcakes... and I found it at Costco.
Someone wonderful (my grandma) gave me a Costco gift card a few months ago, and I've been saving it for something "really good." After much thought and consideration, I decided this last weekend what to use it for.
Yesterday I decided to go to Costco for lunch. After grabbing lunch for less than $3 (heck YES!) I headed inside and made a bee-line for the DVD table. After grabbing the boxed sets of Star Wars Episodes I, II, III and IV, V, VI, I headed to the check-out line.
Let me just say that 3 separate men stopped me on my way out of Costco.
First, the "boxer" (Costco equivalent of a supermarket "bagger") who, since I was only purchasing two items, had nothing to do but stand there and chatter on about how excited he was for me to be "finally" buying these- he wasn't sure how I lived until now. (I honestly don't know how I've made it this long without owning these incredible films... Especially 4,5,6)
We chit-chatted about nerd stuff- about The Hobbit that's expected to be released sometime in 2012 and how (at this point his eyes got as big as saucers, as if to say "you're in luck. there's a cure for you") Clone Wars was already out on DVD "You really need to pick that up, too."
I promised him it was on my "list" and we parted ways.
I had my handbag on my arm and was holding my drink and in my other arm I was holding the movies and as I walked out the door, a man standing in line to return something got VERY excited for me. He pumped his fist in the air and exictedly said "Oh, wow! Today's a big day for you!" I told him it was and that I was looking forward to enjoying my new purchases.
I went back to the food court to grab a napkin for my drippy drink and a man grabbing a straw saw the movies in my hand and said (in the least creepy way possible- he actually looked surprised and proud of himself at the same time) "Are you going home to watch those? Do you want some company?" I smiled and said "No, I'm going back to work now, but thanks for offering to protect me from Darth Vader!"

Yup. This is MUCH more effective than smelling like bacon all day...

1 comment:

Jon V. said...

That is way more effective than bacon, although bacon does smell amazing.

P.S. I agree he is a little chick magnet.