About two years ago, a guy I "kind of knew" (we'll get to that part later) told me about this company called Despair, Inc. They make demotivational tee shirts, posters and other funny products. They always joke that if you have bad service, they don't want to hear it. They actually call their customer service department "disservice" and they have three really great Twitters that I follow- they make fun of stupid customers and tease each other about whatever they feel like and they're super sarcastic... My kind of company. Anyways. You can build your own calendar on their website out of their extensive line of Demotivators. What's a Demotivator? Here's two of my favorites. If you still don't get it, then stop reading this immediately.
You can see them all here.
This was the second year in a row that I've made a demotivational calendar for my Dad as a Christmas gift, and this year I decided to make one for my Mom and brother as well (one stop shopping, what can I say?). I wanted to make one for myself as well, (I'd had one for 2008) but at the time I didn't want to spend the money.
So today as I was laying in bed staring at the picture I chose for December 2008 trying to find the motivation (ha) to get out of bed, I decided: Today's the day.
So I made my calendar and I was SO excited about it. I even got free shipping!
When you purchase something from Despair, Inc. they ask you if you want to join their Wailing List (which I already receive- I also subscribe to their Twitter) and they also ask how you heard about their company.
Whenever I've ordered from them in the past, I've left that field blank. But not today. Today, I told the truth.
Q: How did you hear about Despair?
A: A stupid guy I went out on two dates with. Telling me about Despair was the only half way interesting thing he ever said.
(True story. I went out with this poor guy twice about two years ago and they were two of the most painfully awkward dates in the history of dating. It was so bad, I can't even remember the guy's name because I blocked it from my memory. Seriously. If you think you have me beat, we should talk.)
So back to me.
About an hour after I placed my order, I logged into my twitter and squealed with excitement.
They twittered my response!!
See that?? @disservice said my response was AWESOME (emphasis NOT mine!)
This is a two-fold accomplishment because a) I didn't get made fun of and b) I made them laugh enough for them to Twitter it!!